Oil Portrait Artist
The Artist Portrait Gallery Procedure
Fees & Payment
Fees & Payment


The fee for a portrait is based on -
  • the number of people or pets in the painting, 
  • the size of the figures - full or half
  • the size of the painting itself
The artist makes all efforts to suggest the best  the size and composition of the painting to offer his clients the best fit for their budget.
Portrait fees range from Rs 5,00,000 ($7500) for a 20x24 sized portrait to Rs 80,00,000  ($ 120,000) for a 76x96 sized portrait. The artist paints portraits in a wide range of sizes within the size range mentioned above.* ** 

 Add 80% of the base cost for each additional person in a portrait. 
The cost of framing (if desired), and shipping fees are additional.


Initial deposit     25% - Due on signing of contract 
Final Payment    Due on receipt of the completed painting

* Rs to $ conversion rate on the date of order will apply
** Fees are subject to change. All prices are effective as of January, 2015

The Artist Portrait Gallery Procedure Fees & Payment Contact